Welcome to Bovey's Kitchen!!
星期五有个小聚会, 我做了 菠菜蘑菇派, 我的第一次, 成功!!!
(12pcs mini quiche)
派皮材料Pastry Ingredients
1) 低筋面粉All purpose flour 160g
2) 盐Salt 1/2 tsp
3) 牛油Butter (冷Cold) 83g
4) 冷水Cold Water 45ml
派馅材料Fillings Ingredients:
1) 洋葱White Onion 1/2 pc
2) 蒜Garlic 1 clove
3) 培根Bacon 2pc
4) 蘑菇Button Mushroom 1 cup
5) 菠菜Spinach 1 cup
6) 鸡蛋Eggs 2pc
7) 淡奶Evaporated Milk 120ml
8) 盐Salt a pinch
9) 糖Sugar a pinch
10) 黑胡椒Black pepper a pinch
11) 马祖奶酪 Mozzarella cheese 随意
How to do:
准备派皮Prepare the pastry:-
1)面粉, 盐, 牛油, 打至松散状。 All purpose flour + Salt + Butter into food processor, pulse till mixture become "fine bread crumbs".
2)冷水一点点的加至开始成团。 Gradually add in cold water, 1 tbsp at a time till mixture start to form dough.
3) 用手揉成团, 用保鲜膜包好, 冷藏30分钟。Bring mixture to working table, hand knead till a dough is formed, wrap with plastic film, put in fridge for 30 mins.
准备派馅Prepare the fillings:-
4)洋葱和蒜剁碎, 蘑菇切片, 培根切小块, 菠菜汤熟, 过冷水, 挤干水分, 剁碎。 Finely chop onion and garlic, slice the button mushroom and bacon, cook spinach in boiling water, drain and wash with cold water, squeeze out all the water, finely chopped.
5) 热锅, 把培根慢火煎出油, 加洋葱, 炒至变透明, 加入蒜和蘑菇, 炒至蘑菇变软, 加入菠菜翻炒均匀, 以盐, 糖和黑胡椒粉调味,炒好放凉。Saute the bacon till lightly browned, add in oil if needed, pour in onion, saute till turn transparent, pour in garlic and button mushroom, cook till soften, put in spinach, season with pinch of salt and pepper. Set a side to cool down.
6) 蛋, 淡奶, 盐,糖和黑胡椒粉拌匀。Egg + evaporated milk + salt + sugar + black pepper, mix well.
7)将(5)加入(6),拌匀。 Mix (5) and (6), set aside.
8)挞模擦上牛油, 把面团擀平, 印出12块, 扑在挞模里,用叉在底部刺洞,上面放纸杯, 纸杯里装点米。放入预热至180°C的烤箱, 烤5分钟, 拿掉纸杯, 继续烤10分钟。 Brush tart tin with butter, roll out the dough, use round cookie cutter cut out 12 pieces, put the dough into the tart tin, use a fork and lightly poke the base of the dough, add muffin liner onto the dough and put some dried nuts on it, blind bake at 180°C for 5 mins, remove the muffin liners, bake for another 10 minutes.
第一次擀平只印出7个, 把面团再搓圆擀平, 再印剩下的
i manage to cut 7, just put the remaining dough together, roll out again and cut the remaining
poke some holes at the bottom of tart shell
muffin liner and dried nuts in it prevent tart shell from popping up while baking
9) 倒入派馅, 上面放妈祖奶酪, 180°C, 烤15分钟。Pour in filling mixtures, put some mozzarella cheese on top, bake for another 15mins at 180°C。
出炉啦。。。。。And....it is done....