Welcome to Bovey's Kitchen!!
今天吃早餐, 遇见戴生的朋友, 还给了我一包Homemade的柿子干, 哇, 太喜欢了, 回家马上用来做个吐司面包, 我也想回个礼, 可是我和我老公的朋友都是“单向接触”, 所以。。。我希望他能看到我这个post, 就当作是收了我的回礼!!😁😁
在还没消耗完之前, 为她拍张靓靓照。。。
(450g 吐司模 + 30g 迷你吐司模2个)
1)高筋面粉 Bread Flour 300g
2)水Water 180g
3) 糖 Sugar 24g
4)盐 Salt 1tsp
5)即溶酵母粉 Instant Yeast 1tsp
6)牛奶粉 Milk Powder 12g
7)鸡蛋 Egg 15g
8)牛油 Butter 24g
9)柿子干 Dried Persimmon 30g (泡在水里几分钟, 沥干, 剁碎 soak in water, drain the water, chop into tiny pieces)
How to do:
1) 高筋面粉 + 水, 搅拌成团即可, 包上保鲜膜, 静置至少30分钟(自我分解)。Bread flour + water, mix till a dough is formed, wrap with plastic film, set a side for at least 30mins (Autolyse).
**我只是要证实下经过“自我分解”的面团是不是真的可以减短揉面的时间, 所以做了这步罩, 我前一晚先做这部分, 把面团冷藏, 隔天继续做其他部分。I wanted to see if kneading time can be shortened by doing this Autolyse process. You can skip this step and go to step 2 directly. I do this part 1 day before, leave the dough in the fridge and continue other steps the next day.
2) 将步罩1)的面团切成小块, 跟所有材料(除牛油和柿子干)混合, 面团揉至能拉出稍大片薄膜, 加进牛油, 揉至面团能拉出大片透明薄膜, 加入柿子干, 揉均匀, 滚圆, 盖上保鲜膜进行基本发酵至2倍大(约90分钟)。Cut dough in step 1) into small pieces, mix with all ingredients (except butter and dried persimmon), knead dough till elastic and shiny, add in butter, knead till dough can form a transparent thin film, add dried persimmon and knead till mixed well. Shape dough into a ball, cover with plastic film, basic fermentation till double in size (about 90mins)
用机揉面至牛油跟面团混合后, 用手摔打8分钟便呈现将的薄膜↑↑↑。
I use machine to knead dough till butter absorbed by dough, then i knead the dough by hand for about 8 mins, the dough can form thin transparent film ↑↑↑
shape into a ball, basic fermentation
3) 排气, 分割 250g 两份, 30g 两份, 滚圆, 松弛15分钟。Gently press the dough to remove the gas trapped inside the dough. Divide into 250g dough x 2, 30g dough x 2, shape into ball, let dough relax for 15mins.
面团发至2倍大, 手指插入洞不回缩, 既是发好 (你猜哪个洞是最后插的?)
dough double in size, poke into the dough, the hole does not retract, the dough is ready for next step
我是这样为面团排气的, 我觉得这动作挺重要, 每次忘记做这个, 面包组织就做不好。I remove the gas trapped in dough like this ↑↑↑, this step is important for bread to have soft and fluffy texture.
4) 擀卷一次, 最后发酵至8分满。Shape like video below, final fermentation till 80% full.
my cute little bread loaf
5)扫上鸡蛋液, 送入预热至180°C的烤箱, 下层, 烤35分钟。 Brush egg mixture, bake in preheated oven 180°C, lower rack, bake for 35mins.
just send into the oven↑↑↑
10分钟之后, 面团发至10分满, 迷你吐司头都吐出来了!!
after 10mins in the oven, the bread rise till 100% full
出炉啦!! yeah!!! Happy Family!!
谢谢光临,祝你一天都有好心情, 欢迎下次再来!!
Thanks for stopping by, wishing you a very nice day and please come again!!
thanks for your detail sharing..Autolyse process..ok I learned something new today..will follow you recipe in future..love your posts!