
Menu of the Day - Pancakes 热香饼

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谁都说热香饼很容易做,不就是干的材料跟湿的材料混合, 然后拿去煎就行啦!!可是我却失败了!!我还惨败了2次!!第一次做, 卖相还可以, 我儿很开心, 一咬。。。他看着我, 犹豫。。。要不要继续要下去。。。, 我试了一口, 也不好意思让他继续咬!!实在太难吃啦!!!!😖😖😖😖 马上重做, 第二次做的成品比较像“pochang" (crepe)!! 就还可以入口, 早餐总算有了着落!!我问我儿, 明天还要吃pancake? 他想了一下,说”我们去买材料, tomorrow make even better pancake!!" 我儿好像突然长大了!!

我在网上看了许多pancake做法和食谱, 当中的“必胜”秘诀还是“向冲”的, 比如面糊拌匀即可,有点颗粒状是ok, 这样才是pancake松软的秘诀。结果pancake升得很高, 可是充满了面粉味道!!然后我又看到一个视频, 他是用电动搅拌器来大面糊的, 完全都不担心面糊会出筋的问题!!成品两面都上色均匀!!!当然啦, 我只是个C9, 也没想过要做出大师级的pancake, 就比麦当劳的好吃就ok了!!


(做4个热香饼 Make 4 pancakes)

1) 低筋面粉 Cake Flour 100g
2) 玉米粉 Corn Starch 1tbsp
3) 泡打粉 Baking Powder 1/2tbsp (1tsp+1/2tsp)
4) 盐 Salt 1/2tsp
5) 糖 Sugar 2tbsp
6) 蛋 Egg 1pc (room temperature)
7) 牛奶 Milk 110g (room temperature)
8) 牛油 Butter 15g (melted @ room temperature)

How to do:

1)干材料(材料1至4)过筛Shift dry ingredients (ingredient 1 to 4), set aside.

2) 糖+蛋, 打至变淡黄色和充满气泡, 加入牛奶和融化牛油, 拌匀。Sugar + Egg, beat till turn light yellow and full of bubble, add milk and melted butter, whisk well.

ingredients in room temperature makes better batter

3) 分三次加入做法1的干材料, 拌匀, 用保鲜膜盖上, 静置5分钟。Add dry ingredient from step 1, 1/3 at a time, mix well, wrap with plastic film and leave to set for 5mins.

my batter look like this when done ↑↑↑

4) 中火热锅, 用湿毛巾为锅降温,用厨房纸巾在锅上抹油, 放一勺面糊, 当面糊表面呈现气泡, 翻面, 继续煎10秒, 煎好的热香饼放在架上放凉。Heat the non-stick pan in medium heat, use kitchen tower to wipe butter to the pan, prepare a wet tower, put the pan on the wet tower to cool down a bit, put 1 scope of batter onto the pan, flip over when bubble appear on the surface and the side is set, cook the other side for about 10 secs. Leave the pancakes on wire rack to cool down before you stack them together!!

湿毛巾wet tower ↑↑↑

cool the pan on the wet tower ↑↑↑

可以翻面了ready to flip ↑↑↑

用厨房纸巾抹油和为锅降温, 能帮助热香饼上色均匀
wipe butter to pan with kitchen tower and "cool down" the pan help to brown the pancake evenly

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