Welcome to Bovey's Kitchen!!
我第一次做肉桂卷, 有点硬, 牛奶分量可以加多一点点。烤箱一开, 屋里满满都是肉桂的香气!!👍👍👍
(6.5" round cake tin)
Main Dough 主面团:
1)高筋面粉 Bread Flour 200g
2) 低筋面粉 Cake Flour 50g
3) 糖 Sugar 30g
4)盐 Salt 1/2tsp
5)即溶酵母粉 Instant Yeast 3/4tsp
6)牛奶 Milk 80ml
7)鸡蛋 Egg 50g
8)牛油 Butter 40g
1) 糖Sugar 20g
2) 肉桂粉Cinnamon Powder 5g
3) 葡萄干Raisin 80g (soak with water and roughly chopped)
Egg Wash鸡蛋液:
1) Egg鸡蛋 + 5g honey蜂蜜
2) 肉桂粉Cinnamon Powder 5g
3) 葡萄干Raisin 80g (soak with water and roughly chopped)
Egg Wash鸡蛋液:
1) Egg鸡蛋 + 5g honey蜂蜜
How to do:
1) Mix all main dough ingredients (except butter), knead till elastic and shiny, add butter continue to knead till dough can form a film as per pic below. 将所有主面团材料(除牛油)混合, 搅拌至光滑, 加牛油, 继续搅拌至能拉出稍大片薄膜。
2) Round the dough, cover with plastic film, basic proofing till double in size, about 90 mins. 滚圆, 盖上保鲜膜, 基本发酵至2倍大, 约90分钟。
3) Gently press the dough to remove the air in the dough, round the dough, let the dough relax for 15 mins. 排气, 滚圆, 松弛15分钟。
4) Roll out the dough in square shape, spread the fillings on top, roll the dough from top to down, cut the roll using a string (as per video below) to 7 equal portions, arrange them into the greased tin. 造型看下图/影片。记得烤盘要抹油。
我拍错了, 应该是切面朝上哈!!
5) Final proofing till 100% full, brush egg wash on top, put into preheated oven 180°C, middle rack, bake for about 25 mins. 最后发酵至10分满, 刷上蛋液, 入以预热至180°C的烤箱, 中层, 烤25分钟。
出炉啦!!....it is DONE!!
More Pictures...
谢谢光临,祝你一天都有好心情, 欢迎下次再来!!
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