Welcome to Bovey's Kitchen!!
方子是牛奶吐司的方子, 换了个造型, 好看又好吃!!
(18 cm square tin)
高筋面粉 Bread Flour 182g
即溶酵母粉 Instant Yeast 1tsp
牛奶 Milk 110g
高筋面粉 Bread Flour 30g
糖Sugar 3g
盐 Salt 1/2tsp
开水 Boiling Water 30g
主面团Main Dough
高筋面粉 Bread Flour 52g
汤种 Tang-Zhong 52g
糖 Sugar 21g
盐 Salt 1/2tsp
牛奶 Milk 36g
牛油 Butter 21g
1)中种做法--酵母融化在牛奶内, 加入面粉搅拌成团即可,盖上保鲜膜, 室温发至一倍大, 冷场。Sponge-Dough - dissolved yeast into milk, knead sponge dough ingredients till a dough is formed, cover with plastic film, set aside in warm place till double, then put into fridge.
2)汤种做法 - 混合面粉, 糖和盐, 冲入开水, 搅拌均匀成糊状,放凉,盖上保鲜膜, 冷藏。Mix Tang-Zhong ingredients,cover with plastic film, let cool, put into fridge.
3)中种从冰箱取出,切成小块, 与主面团材料(除牛油)混合, 搅拌成可拉出较大块薄膜, 加入牛油搅拌至面团成可拉出大片透明薄膜状, 滚圆, 盖上保鲜膜, 松弛30分钟。Cut sponge dough into small pieces, mix with main dough ingredients ( except butter), knead till dough is elastic, add butter, knead till dough can form a thin film, shape dough into a ball, cover with plastic film, let it relax for 30mins.
4) 轻压面团排气, 分割成9等分, 滚圆, 松弛15分钟。Lightly press the dough to remove the trapped air, divide into 9 equal portions, shape into round balls, set aside relax for 15mins.
5) 二次擀卷(请去片。。。), 入模最后发酵至10分满,刷上鸡蛋液, 送入以预热好的烤箱, 180°C, 下层, 烤25分钟。 Shape as per video below. Let final proofing till 100% full, brush egg wash bake inside a preheated oven, 180°C, lower rack, for 25mins.
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谢谢光临,祝你一天都有好心情, 欢迎下次再来!!
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